Friday 17 February 2012

Deck Rail Planter Makes Great Small Space Gardens

Most people staying in flats do not have the luxury of  big space.  But that is not the excuse not to reap the benefits of a small space gardens. Deck rail planter or deck planter often comes in as the most appropriate solutions. Any addition of green small space gardens can have a lifting effect especially for corners or space that do not support plant life. This will bring life and make the area more welcoming , relaxed and friendly.

Deck Rail Planter Makes Great  Small Space Garden

With a spade of flat lifts upgrading in my estate, small deck space is created at every floor just outside the lift. More and more heart landers are making full use of this extra available space to create a small a space garden. Railing and fence window box style planters has turned the railing deck into a garden oasis

Deck Rail Planters - Hanging Small Space Garden

Areas boarded by a railing are transformed from a bland to dramatic and from uninviting to cosy with small rail planters that include deck rail brackets with window box style planters. The railings planters, deck flower boxes and fence rail planters are mounted on or hung over the railing using  deck rail brackets.

Deck Rail Planters - Hanging Small Space Garden

I understand in overseas, many pro and amateur gardeners grow tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, corn, melons, strawberries and even pumpkins for self-sustenance. But where I stay we usually buy from the wet market or super market. Most people grow plant for hobbies and curry leaf herbs container gardening is quite popular. Curry leaf has many herbal medicinal properties and is a prominently used herb in south Indian cooking. Curry leaves with food strengthens the functions of stomach and promotes its action.
Curry Leaf Plant (very left) - Pandan Leaf Plant (most right)

Get started with small space garden with deck rail planters and railing brackets and turn your deck in to an awsome hanging garden.

1 comment:

  1. Deck rail planter or deck planter often comes in as the most appropriate solutions. Any addition of green small space gardens can have a lifting ...
